Sunday, December 6, 2009

My boyfriend has a profile on an online dating site(update)?

His last log in is today, and his status is "Prefer not to say". This isn't the first time there has been an issue with this. A few months ago, I found a different profile with his status set as single, with recent pictures. When I asked him about the profile, he said he just used to it to talk to friends he already had, and forgot to change his status to "in a relationship". Could this be the case again? He only has three site friends and noone has written on his profile. I doubt he would forget to change his status again. What should I do, should I confront him about it?

*Update* I confronted him about the profile, and he seemed rather confused when I mentioned it. He said that he hasn't visited this particular site in a long time, and his profile probably automatically logged in when his sister tried visiting the site. He then said he was concerned about me being able to trust him, and he certainly has a point.

Yes the situation is odd, but it shouldn't matter if I trusted him. I love this man dearly, and am inclinded to believe him. I think I might just drop the whole issue and trust that he is being loyal to me. This relationship means too much for me to just ruin it because of some stupid site. He doesn't seem like the type who would do that anyways. Do you think I'm doing the right thing?

My boyfriend has a profile on an online dating site(update)?

Follow your gut. Maybe the stuff about his sis is true. I have had other users login to my my-space using my pc so theoretically it could happen.

My boyfriend has a profile on an online dating site(update)?band myspace

Your logic makes sense, but you're right...this is a very odd and fishy situation. If you don't think he would cheat on you...and you see a future in this relationship...yes then put all this behind you. Remember though, you *could* be wrong. What you need to ask yourself is this: is this relationship worth the risk of you getting hurt badly. Only you can answer this question. The biggest rewards always involve great risks...
he's definitely on the market. my sister in law found out her boyfriend had a site like that, she asked him about and he said THE EXACT SAME THING that your boyfriend said. "I just use it to keep up with friends". A month later he used her computer to advertise on craigslist that he was available for group sex.

dump him
I think he is either cheating or trying to cheat. You don't need to catch him in mid-thrust to know something ain't right in Denmark.

Why the hell didn't he take it down when you confronted him about it the first time? And the excuse about his sister accidentally logging in that one time smells like BS to me.

IDK about breaking up w/ him over this because you don't have too much concrete evidence but definetly keep your eyes open
If it doesnt mean anything and he hasnt been on the site for a while, then he wont mind deleting his profile, and if he loves you and wants to keep you he will do t for you................not an issue of have every right to know why he has posted his profile on a dating site. tell him to remove it if you two are an item...if he wants a future with you he will....................
I think that you should do what is in your heart. If you love him and feel everything you said then give up on this situation dont look at the site when you feel curious or get upset when you think about it, remind yourself that he is with you and only you.
look at his friends are they slutty girls?

just dont talk to him for like 2 weeks he'll come to you
why are you looking at his profile if you trust him in the first place he seems hes telling the truth
Well, with the stuff you've said in your discription, it seems as though he is NOT being loyal to you. If this has happened before, there is no reason for you to believe him at all. I would try all of the dating sites you know of and see if he is on them. If he is, check his marital status, uploaded pictures, and all of the other stuff you are suspicious about. If you see that he put single on there, and the pictures are updated, then give him 5 minutes to explain himself, then you either get suckered into his lies for another time, or you can either pack up you stuff and leave or kick him to the curb, because obviously he doesn't love you as much as you love him. It may sound cruel, but that's the world so sorry to be hard. Good luck and I hope you make the right descision!
I could believe it was nothing if it was only one time, but he seems to have a habit of visiting these sites and that's definitely not alright for a man in a committed relationship. I caught my ex in a similar situation, he wasn't on a dating site but he had a secret myspace with his status set as "single" and a ton of female friends and flirty comments. I confronted him about it and he of course had a perfectly logical explanation and then gave me a guilt trip for not trusting him, just like your bf did, so I accepted his reasons and tried to get past it. A while later I discovered he was using the profile to meet girls and cheat on me. I caught him read handed. It was devastating. I know you want to trust him but don't be so quick to push aside your doubts or fears, we have them for a reason and most of the time our instincts are right. So if you feel like you can't trust him, there must be a reason and you can't ignore it just because you love him, or it will destroy you, trust me. Let him know you're having a hard time trusting him and need to know you're not risking a lot by doing so.
I truly am sorry to say this, as much as you want to believe him, my heart and head say he is not telling the truth. No one in a relationship stays on a dating site, and his story about his sister, his status, his turning the tables on you trusting him being the issue etc. is completely textbook typical of men who do this sort of thing, and the women who enable them. I know, because I've known many men who have done this. I have heard their excuses to their wives and girlfriends, or in some cases, myself. The same excuse after excuse that doesn't quite add up or feel right while you blame yourself for overreacting....and then you see something again that's not quite right. They always have an answer. My married next door neighbor hit me up once. His profile also said "prefer not to say", and he started contacting me not realizing I was his neighbor. I was appalled; they seemed like a nice couple. Eventually, his wife with their new baby got wise to his stories that didn't add up and left him. I know you want to trust him more than anything, but you need to be very cautious. Follow your are not the one who needs to be questioned about your trust. His behaviors and excuses just don't add up. You are not ruining the relationship - he is.

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